Preschool Program Information

The Bloomsbury School District Early Childhood Advisory Council and Holland Township  Early Childhood Advisory Committee are pleased to announce our inaugural Early Childhood Community Event specifically designed for families with students in preschool through third grade.

ECAC Community Event Flyer

Click here to register to attend the ECAC event 

Preschool Registration

New Holland School students can be registered via our Genesis system here 

Contact:  Nancy Holzworth
Confidential Secretary
908-995-2401 x 6310

Preschool Curriculum

The Holland Township School District offers preschool programs for our community's 3- and 4 year olds.

The child must be 3 years old by October 1, to qualify for the program. 

Our preschool uses the state-approved preschool curriculum: The Creative Curriculum.

More detailed descriptions of each curriculum can be found below.
Creative Curriculum
The Creative Curriculum for Preschool
Alignment with Teaching Strategies GOLD
Sample Schedule

Our Preschool Team

The preschool team is a multifaceted group of professional staff.  They include teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, a preschool coach, and a preschool intervention specialist.  They work to ensure  the district maintains a high-quality early childhood educational experience for our youngest learners.  The preschool team is made up of many professionals below list a sample of our team:

District Level Staff
Stephanie Snyder, Superintendent and Supervisor of Special Services
Lauren Aversa, Preschool CST Case Manager

Sarah Chittenden, Preschool Social Worker
Carley Markoonian, Preschool Instructional Coach

Emily Martin
Keri Bender
Laura Hughes
Kate Chioffe
Hailey Dressel

Preschool F.A.Q.

What is the goal of the Preschool Expansion Program? 

Preschool Education Aid (PEA) is additional state aid provided to school districts for the purpose of implementing preschool programs.  The goal of PEA is to provide high-quality preschool education to three and four-year-old residents of Holland Township at no cost to parents over the next 4 years. 

Who is eligible for the Preschool Program?

For the 2025-2026 school year, approximately 75 preschool seats are available to Holland residents turning 3 or 4 years of age by October 1st.  Remaining preschool seats will be assigned on a lottery basis.  

What are the costs associated with the preschool program?

There are no costs to attend the preschool program for any resident, age-eligible child in Holland.  Lunch is provided to students for purchase as it is with all of our K-8 students.  Families who are eligible for free or reduced lunch will be provided meals consistent with their free/reduced application.  Before and after care as well as day care services on days schools are closed are available at certain locations with a cost to the parent.  

How do I register for the Preschool program?

The registration process will require the same documentation as all other student registrations. Please visit our registration website to review the registration instructions.   

What school calendar will preschool follow?  Is preschool open on holidays?

All schools, both in district and private providers, will follow the school district calendar. No transportation or food service will be provided on days when schools are closed.  Further, private providers will also close for emergencies in conformity with all district schools.     


What is the enrollment for each class?

Each preschool classroom has a maximum enrollment of 15 students. 

Who will staff each classroom?

Each preschool classroom will consist of two (2) staff members: a certified teacher and a paraprofessional.

Will classes be mixed age?

Likely yes.  Given that the district must place students based on limited space, transportation routes, availability in the district and private providers, and parent preference, we will likely operate mixed classes.  

Will transportation be available?

No. The district does not provide transportation to general education preschool students.   

What are the school days and hours? 

Preschool follows the typical K-8 school day. Students are expected to be in school ready to learn by 8:00am. Preschool dismissal begins at 2:10pm. Aftercare, provided by the Hunterdon County YMCA is available for a fee.  

Are there bathrooms in the classrooms?

All preschool classrooms have an individual or shared “Jack and Jill” style bathroom attached to the classroom.

What are the teacher qualifications? 

Each preschool classroom has a New Jersey Certified preschool teacher with the Preschool through Grade 3 endorsement.  This applies to all private providers locations as well.  

Can my child attend preschool on a half-day schedule? 

No.  Per the state requirements, preschool is a full day program and all students who wish to be included in this funding opportunity must be registered and enrolled in the full day program of at least 6 hours.  Attendance is calculated in a similar way as our K-8 students.  If parents need to pick their child up early for a doctors appointment, for example, simply notify the school.     

What if I am in the process of applying for free or reduced lunch?

It would be best to contact the Superintendent’s Office at 908-995-2401 and inform the office of our plans to apply for free or reduced lunch.  We can offer assistance with the application process.  Also, the district will verify if you are eligible once the application is complete.  

Will there be an orientation or open house for new families joining preschool in 2025-2026?

Yes.  More details will follow.   

What is the preschool curriculum?

The preschool program must follow one of four state-approved curricula.  All preschool classes use the Creative Curriculum with the exception of Whitehouse Prep.  They use Tools of the Mind.  These are both state-approved programs and are structured similarly.


School Calendar

Food Services

AfterCare Program

Health Services

Children's Specialized Free Developmental Screening

Children's Specialized Developmental Screening FAQ

NJ Parent Link

Social Worker and School Counselors:
Ms. Sarah Chittendan is our dedicated Preschool Social Worker who assists in the preschool classrooms 1-2 days a week, working with students individually, when needed or requested.

Ms. Kristen Deniz is the Elementary School Counselor who assists students in individual counseling, small group counseling, and classroom guidance when needed. 

Child Study Team:
Child Study Team The Child Study Team (CST) is made up of school psychologists, school social workers, learning disabilities teachers-consultants, and speech-language, physical and occupational therapists.
The CST main function is to evaluate and design programs for students who are experiencing learning, health and/or behavioral difficulties